Cloud-based EMR

Cloud-based EMR A Leap Frog Opportunity

According to Statista, 86% of Canadian Physicians have adopted the EMR/EHR systems to move away from paper-based charts and manage day-to-day administrative activities. Usage of EMR/EHR has become an indispensable part of any medical practice across Canada. Over the last decade, Canadian Physicians have been busy adapting traditional EMR/EHR, the…

RexEMR: OHIP-Certified EMR for Streamlined Practice

RexEMR Inc’s flagship cloud-based EMR solution is officially certified by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for Health Card Verification (HCV) and Medical Billing (MC EDT). This milestone demonstrates RexEMR’s dedication to providing healthcare professionals with efficient tools to manage administrative tasks seamlessly. Tackling Physician Burnout with Automation A 2019…