It is natural to look for the light when there is darkness, during the time of #COVID19 #crisis and #social-distancing, #Telemedicine has become one such glimmer of hope. The adoption of Telemedicine is no more a luxury rather a necessity.
Originally, #Telemedicine was invented to treat patients who were located in remote areas with limited or no access to primary healthcare. Then it progressed to having telemedical centers where a patient could have access to the physicians using an infrastructure built to serve the purpose. Current rapid progress in mobile technology patients and physician can use digital means to communicate with each other. Physicians can visit a patient without physically traveling to the clinic. This not only makes it convenient for the patient but also makes it convenient for physicians to work from home.
Physicians get to serve a wider population with restrictions lifted on the geographical boundaries of the town/city they operate from.
At #RexEMR Inc, we recognize that Telemedicine is an essential service and hence we have made #RexTele to be available for all #RexEMR subscribers. Patients and Physicians across Canada and the United States are comfortable using Video Calling applications such as Skype and Facetime. #RexTele will be easy to use as it is similar to other popular video calling applications.
All patients need to download the #RexTele App on their smartphones or access it through a patient portal RexEMR website.
RexEMR – #all-inclusive #EMR will be available for a pilot in #Ontario from mid-June. Reach out to and be part of the #EMR the #next-generation, #revolutionary #EMR. Visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook.