What is OHIP Error Codes?

When submitting billing files to the Medical Claims Electronic Data Transfer (MC EDT) system in Ontario, understanding OHIP error codes is essential for efficient claims management. These error codes fall into two main categories: Rejection Codes and Explanatory Codes. Below, we break down each type and provide examples to help clarify their meanings.

Rejection Codes

Rejection codes are issued when a billing file is submitted to MC EDT and fails the initial processing checks. These codes indicate that the claim was not accepted into the system and must be corrected and resubmitted. Common reasons for rejection include incomplete or invalid information in the claim submission, such as:

  • Error Code AT3: No Patient-Physician Relationship — This occurs when the criteria for a comprehensive virtual service are not met, such as the absence of a physical encounter within the last 24 months.
  • Error Code EH2: Invalid Health Number — The health card number provided is incorrect or does not match the patient’s record in the system.

Rejection codes are critical because they prevent the claim from proceeding to payment. Identifying and resolving these issues promptly ensures the claim can be resubmitted successfully.

Explanatory Codes

Explanatory codes are associated with the Remittance Advice (RA) file, which provides details about the processing outcome of submitted claims. These codes explain why payments were rejected, downgraded, or adjusted. They are further classified into:

  1. Declinal Codes: These indicate why a payment was rejected after the claim passed the initial processing stage. For example:
    • Error Code A3: Service Not Insured — The billed service is not covered under OHIP.
    • Error Code B4: Duplicate Service — The claim was rejected because it matches another claim already processed.
  2. Adjustment Codes: These codes provide information about why a claim’s payment was downgraded or upgraded. Examples include:
    • Error Code C1: Reduced to Approved Fee — The claim amount was adjusted to reflect the maximum allowable fee for the service.
    • Error Code D2: Upgraded to Special Premium — An additional payment was made due to eligibility for a premium.
    • Error Code 35: Incorrect Service Date — The date of service on the claim does not align with patient eligibility or policy guidelines.
    • Error Code 33: Invalid Diagnostic Code — The diagnostic code provided is incorrect or not supported for the billed service.

Explanatory codes are invaluable for understanding how claims were processed and for addressing any discrepancies in payment.

Managing OHIP Error Codes Effectively

To minimize issues with rejection and explanatory codes:

  • Use EMR Systems with Validation Tools: Platforms like RexEMR can automatically check claims for errors before submission, reducing the likelihood of rejections.
  • Review RA Files Regularly: Analyze the remittance advice file to address declinals and adjustments promptly.
  • Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with OHIP’s guidelines and regularly updated billing codes to ensure compliance.

By understanding the nuances of OHIP’s rejection and explanatory codes, clinics can streamline their billing processes, reduce errors, and improve overall reimbursement outcomes.